September 2022 Broad Core Update

Google September 2022 Broad Core Update – What We Know So Far?

The September 2022 brand core update on Google Search is rolling out, and here’s what we know so far. Google made the update on September 12th at around 11:25 am ET, and all indications show it could take up to two weeks to complete. 

It came hot on the heels of the Google helpful content update on September 9th, something of a surprise if you think about everything Google has been up to in the year. Anyone who had their eye and ear on this was expecting the fifth product review update, but we got something else.  

There is a lot of chatter in the SEO community on the implication of the September update backed up by data from Google tracking tools. For starters, some data shows a 20 to 60% drop in traffic linked directly to the update. But, a word of caution, it is still too early to ascertain the true extent of this disruption, but here is what the data tell us so far:  

Some Quick Facts

Here is a summary of everything you need to bear in mind moving forward: 

Name: Google September 2022 Broad Core Update

Date and Time: September 12th, 2022, at 11:25 pm ET

Completion: Expected to complete after one of two weeks

Targets: All content categories

Penalties: None. It offers rewards and promotions for good web pages

Scale: Global

Impact: It is too early to say how far reaching the impact has been, but there is no evidence that the September update will be anything different from the typical core update. So, we expect the usual disruption.  

Discover: Google Discover will be affected, including snippets and other features. 

Recover: There is opportunity to fix your ranking afterward, just look at Google’s core update advice for pointers and areas for improvement. 

Refreshes: As always, we don’t expect a heads-up on the next refresher. But Google will get to work on the next periodic refresh in a couple of weeks. 

September 2022 Broad Core Update

September 2022 Broad Core Update

Is This the Big One or Something Else?

We can only wait and see how the September Core Update turns out, but core updates from the past are known for implementing noticeable changes to SEO. Experts say we should look at the Google helpful content update and core update as related. They both rely on different ranking systems that might tip the scale for some pages. 

All said, you might say this is a big one. Keep in mind that this core update will be felt everywhere, all languages and regions across the world. Still, no reason to panic because all updates are created to be noticeable both to content creators and consumers. 

Past Broad Core Updates

Google only had its last core update in May this year, and online chatter showed the community was expecting another one later in the year. Before the update that went online on May 25th, Google kicked off an update in November 2021 from 17th to 30th. Prior to this one, Google had released two updates the same year, one in July and another in June. 

On December 3rd, 2020, the last update of the year was released, coming seven-months after the previous update in May 2020. The December update was only the third of the year since Google updated its core on January 13th. For 2019, two updates in September and July were undertaken, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Google September 2022 Core Update is Effectively Complete >>>