16 Jul What Is Link Velocity, And How Does It Impact Your Ranking?
Backlinks play an inevitable role in Google’s search engine results page (SERP). Backlinks are important because they signal Google that your website has relevant, useful, and shareable content, because of which other websites have linked it. Thus, helping it rank faster and higher.
But, what does the term “Link Velocity” mean?
Link velocity is the speed at which backlinks are added to your website over some time. So basically, one can measure it by calculating the number of backlinks built over a month.
So, does high link velocity guarantee high ranking?
Link velocity focuses upon the number (Quantity) of links built. In contrast, Google focuses more upon the nature (Quality) of links built. So, if you have good quality links or those built using White Hat SEO, then you need not worry even if your link velocity is low.
Your focus should be on building high-quality and relevant links to your content instead of focusing on building more and more links.
But indeed, link velocity should not be overlooked. Having a high link velocity with high-quality links is like the cherry on the cake.
Now, the real question is, how to build backlinks using White Hat SEO?
When it comes to building links using White Hat SEO, reciprocal links stand as the most commonly used method.
According to Ahrefs, 73.6% of domains have reciprocal links, which means that some of the sites they link to link back to them. Moreover, 43.7% of the top-ranking sites include some reciprocal links.
Reciprocal links allow you to get some websites linking to you while you do the same for them for mutual benefits.
In addition, you can naturally get backlinks built by focusing on producing high-quality content that people would love to share and give you credits by linking your website. For that, you can also reach out to influencers in a similar niche and connect with them.