How Long Does it Take for Google to Index My New Page?

How Long Does it Take for Google to Index Your New Page

How Long Does it Take for Google to Index My New Page?

How Long Does it Take for Google to Index My New Page?

Are you exhausted by Google delaying indexing your fresh content? Then you need to play a part by ensuring that your pages can be crawled.

Can’t you no longer anticipate your fresh content being indexed?

Get to know why it is difficult to determine how long indexing can take and what you can do to expedite the process.

Indexing is how you download website details or information, categorize, and store it in a database, or what is commonly referred to as the Google Index. Google Index is the primary origin of all the data you can get through Google Search. Pages excluded in the index are not available in the search results regardless of how much they match a provided question.

Assuming you have freshly added a new blog page, ultimately, you wish the post garners new massive traffic owing to a trending topic discussion. But before you see how the page performs on Google Search, you have to await its indexing.

So then this brings us to the question, how long does indexing take? And at what point should you be concerned that the absence of indexing could suggest that your site has technical issues? 

Let’s find out.

What do Experts Say about How Long Indexing Takes?

The Google index has loads of web pages and occupies over 100 million GB of memory. At the same time, Google doesn’t have a maximum number of pages that can be indexed on a website. Although some pages take precedence in the indexing queue, there is typically no competition among the pages to be indexed.

If you think you should not be bothered by your blog entry since the database is enormous, or you assume that the database should always have room for another small page, you are on the wrong side of things. 

Google acknowledges that not all pages processed by its crawlers undergo the indexing process. 

Earlier last year, John Mueller, Google Search’s Advocate, expounded on the topic revealing that it is a natural occurrence for Google not to index every page of a large website. He further acknowledged Google’s challenge lies in striking a balance to index a substantial amount of content to the best of its ability while trying to make estimations for its utility by search engine users.

Therefore, in several cases, failure to index a provided set of content is a strategic choice by Google.

Google does not desire for its index to comprise pages with duplicate or low-quality content, nor does it want to index pages that are less likely to be searched for by its users. Therefore, the effective way to eliminate spam from search results is not indexing it.

So, does keeping your blog posts relevant and constructive mean that they automatically get indexed? There is no straight answer. 

According to Tomek Rudzki from Onely, 16% of indexable and valuable pages on big websites don’t even get indexed at all.

Is There A Guarantee for Page Indexing?

From the heading of this article, you may have guessed that this question lacks a definitive answer. It is impossible and almost insensible to set a date when your blog’s indexing is due. 

Still, various people have raised this same concern before, encouraging Googlers and experienced SEO experts to offer some hints.

According to John Mueller, it could take several hours to weeks before a page can be indexed. He presumes that good content is selected and indexed in the course of around seven days. Rudzki carried out research that indicated that 83% of pages are indexed about a week following their publication. 

Some pages may have to stay in line for almost eight weeks before they can be indexed. Ultimately, this only results in pages that eventually fail to be indexed. 

Crawl Demand and Budget 

In order for your new page to get noticed and indexed, Googlebot must do the blog’s recrawl. Googlebot’s recrawling frequency certainly affects how fast your new page gets indexed. This depends on the content’s nature and its update frequency. 

For instance, sites that post news require regular recrawling as they publish new content very often. With this fact, such sites have a high crawling demand. Conversely, sites with low crawl demand would be rarely updated, e.g., a site with a blacksmithing history.

Google decides on website crawling demand by first checking what the site is about and its last update.

The decision to crawl demand is not affected by content quality. The deciding factor is usually the calculated and regular website updates.

The other essential factor is the crawl rate. It is basically how many requests Googlebot can make without being extreme on your server. 

If Googlebot notices that your server is slow, probably due to low-bandwidth server hosting, it only resolves and reduces the crawl rate. However, if the site is highly responsive, the limits rise, allowing Googlebot to crawl more website URLs.

What Must Happen Before Page Indexing?

Considering that indexing takes a while, you can be unsure of how exactly the time is utilized or how website information is categorized and made part of the Google index.

Below are some of the things that may occur before indexing;

Content Discovery

Focusing on the previous example of posting a new entry to your blog. 

Googlebot must first find out the page’s URL before kicking off the indexing. It can do this by:

  • Following the internal links given on some of your other blog pages 
  • Following the external links formed by other people who might have found your content valuable
  • Perusing a previously uploaded Google Search Console XML sitemap

A discovered page by Google means that Google is aware of its URL and existence.


This process entails URL visitation and the retrieval of page content.

As this process goes about, Googlebot gathers information on the main subject of the page provided, the files it has, as well as the keywords appearing on the page, amongst others, 

When the crawler discovers the links, it follows them to the other page, and the sequence continues.

It is vital to remember that Googlebot is guided by rules created by robots.txt so as not to crawl pages that have been jammed by instructions provided in the file. 


This process is necessary for Googlebot to recognize JavaScript content, images, video, and audio files. All these kinds of files were constantly ambiguous for Google than HTML. 

Martin Splitt, Google’s developer advocate, likened rendering to cooking a meal.

From this metaphor, you can deduce that the recipe is the initial HTML file of a site with several links to other content. To see it on your browser, you can press F12.

Next are the ingredients you need to give the website its last look. They include website resources like JavaScript files, CSS, images, and videos. 

The moment the website attains this position, you begin to use a rendered HTML, frequently known as the Document Object Model. 

Martin also noted that implementing JavaScript is the first step in the rendering phase since it functions like a recipe within another.

Not long ago, Googlebot indexed the initial HTML version of a provided page and left it up to JavaScript to render it for another time because of issues affecting the entire process. The process was costly and used too much time.

The SEO business called the idea ‘the two indexing waves.’ But, currently, the two waves are not required anymore. Mueller and Splitt said that today, almost all the new websites automatically undergo the rendering stage. Part of Google’s objectives is to enable indexing, rendering, and crawling to take place closer together.

Is it Possible to Get Your Page Indexed more Swiftly?

It is impossible to compel Google to index a new page on your website. How fast this process turns out is beyond you. But you can improve your pages, enabling Google to detect and crawl them with fewer mishaps. 

This is how to go about it; 

Ensure that you have an Indexable Page 

There are a few vital rules that need to be followed in order to achieve this:

  • It would help if you did not hinder the pages by using the noindex directive or robots.txt.
  • You should always indicate the acceptable (canonical) content version with its acceptable tag.

Robots.txt is a file with guidelines for robots that visit your website. It can be utilized to identify crawlers that are forbidden to visit specific pages or folders. This is attainable by using the disallow directive. For instance, if you prefer robots not to visit your pages and files in the folder named ‘example,’ your robots.txt file should have these commands:

User-agent:  *

Disallow: /example/

There are times you can mistakenly hinder Googlebot from indexing valuable pages. If you are worried that technical issues are hindering your page’s indexing, you should check your robots.txt.

Googlebot does not pass any page, it is not directed to index in the indexing pipeline. To communicate a directive of this nature, you should put a noindex command in:

  • X-robots- tag which is usually contained in the HTTP header response of the URL of your page
  • Meta robots tag contained in the <head> page section 

Always ensure that this command does not appear on pages that are about to be indexed. As previously stated, Google wants to pass up indexing duplicate pages. If it detects pages resembling each other, it will likely index only one.

The canonical tag is meant to evade mistakes and instantly take Googlebot to the URL where a website owner has chosen the page’s original version.

Take into account that the source code of the page you desire to be in the Google index should not direct to other pages as canonical.

Submit a Sitemap

A sitemap records every URL you intend to get indexed( maximum of 50,000). Presenting it to Google Search Console assists Google to detect the sitemap faster.

A sitemap generally makes it quicker for Googlebot to find your pages and speed up crawling opportunities for pages not found using internal links. We highly recommend referencing the sitemap in the robots.txt file.

How to Ask Google to do Page Recrawling

You can ask for URL crawling with the help of the URL inspection tool accessible in the Google Search Console. Doing this won’t assure you that the indexing will happen, so be ready to wait. Nevertheless, it ensures that Google understands your page is existent.

Use Relevant Google Indexing API

Indexing API is a tool that allows you to let Google beware of newly added pages for it to organize timely content indexing more competently.

Unfortunately, you can only use this tool for pages containing job offers and live videos and not for blog posts. Other SEO experts use the Indexing API for different kinds of pages that temporarily work for them. Still, it is unclear whether it is a feasible solution for the long haul.

Preventing Site Server Overload

You must ensure that you have an excellent server bandwidth for Googlebot not to slow down your website’s crawl rate. Don’t share hosting providers, and conduct frequent server stress-test for efficiency.

Final Thoughts

You can’t accurately predict or determine when your page will be indexed or how long the process will take since Google doesn’t index all its processed content.

Usually, indexing happens within hours to weeks after page publication. The colossal setback of getting indexed is being crawled quickly. Suppose there are zero technical indexing challenges, and your content meets the desired quality. In that case, you should consider looking at how Googlebot crawls your website to index your new content speedily.

Googlebot crawls a page before it is put on the indexing streamline and renders its embedded videos, images, and JavaScript features in most cases.

Sites that can change more frequently have a higher crawl demand, so they are recrawled regularly.

When Googlebot checks your website, it matches the crawl rate depending on the number of queries it can direct to your server without overwhelming it. Hence, it is necessary to take excellent care of your server bandwidth. 

Do not hinder Googlebot in robots.txt because it will likely pass up crawling your content on your pages. 

Always consider that Google respects the noindex robots meta tag and typically does indexing on the canonical URL version.