Project: Steroids #
Niche: Health & Fitness (Performance Enhancement)
Target GEO: United States
SEO Package: Enterprise (Monthly) + Combo Package
Keyword Difficulty: Hard & Medium
The Steroids project focused on improving the platform’s visibility and search engine rankings in the highly competitive health and fitness niche, specifically targeting keywords related to performance enhancement and steroid use. The primary goal was to rank for super hard and hard keywords related to safe steroid use, fitness supplements, and bodybuilding, with a focus on driving organic traffic and increasing user engagement.
Ranking Report:
Significant Keyword Ranking Growth: The campaign achieved impressive improvements in keyword rankings for super hard terms like “ass steroids for sale” and “anavar steroids for sale.” Hard keywords such as “steroids for sale uk” and “anabolic sterodis for sale” also saw steady upward movement. The accompanying ranking graph highlights the progress in these competitive keywords throughout the campaign.
Increase in Organic Traffic: As keyword rankings improved, the platform saw a substantial rise in organic traffic from U.S.-based users searching for reliable information and products related to steroids and fitness enhancement. This influx of relevant traffic helped Steroids gain stronger visibility and attract more qualified users.
Higher Engagement & Conversion Rates: With the boost in organic traffic, the platform experienced increased user engagement. More visitors explored content related to safe steroid use and product offerings, resulting in higher conversion rates, with users making informed decisions about purchasing fitness-related supplements.
This case study demonstrates the impact of a targeted SEO strategy focusing on super hard and hard keywords, leading to significant improvements in search rankings, organic traffic, and user engagement for the Steroids platform in the United States’ competitive health and fitness market.